Information on this website has been displayed for information and pursuant to Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies.

Description of Business

The principal activity of the Group is that of seeking to develop, through its wholly owned subsidiary Greenfield Energy LLC, the oil sands resources contained in the TSHII site via the exploitation of separation technology to achieve sustained future production.

TomCo Energy Plc is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers.

This page was last reviewed and updated on 20 May 2024

Directors’ names and biographical details

Board of Directors


Report on Corporate Governance

Country of incorporation and operation

TomCo Energy plc is incorporated in the Isle of Man with Company Number 6969V, at 60 Circular Road, Douglas, IM1 1SA. The Company’s main country of operation is the USA.

Constitutional documents

Articles of Association

Admission document

Admission Document

Annual and interim reports

Reports and Presentations


RNS Announcements

AIM Securities in issue

See Share Register Information

Nominated Adviser and Other Advisers

Strand Hanson (Nominated Adviser)

James Harris / Matthew Chandler

Novum Securities Limited (Broker)

Jon Belliss / Colin Rowbury

IFC Advisory Limited (Financial PR)

Tim Metcalfe / Florence Chandler

See full list of Advisers